
What does pornography do to women?

What does pornography do to women? * Since it trains men to think of women as objects to be used instead of persons to be loved, guys speak of them as objects and treat them as objects. One longtime producer in the porn industry admitted “My whole reason for being in this industry is to

Prière de délivrance

“Jesus delivered me from porn”

Delivered from porn !?? From a very young age I resorted to masturbation, my thoughts were orientated towards sex and it even stopped me from concentrating at school. It grew to take enormous proportions, the older I got. During adolescence, I read a book written by Billy Graham, addressing the problems encountered in youth, and


“I was a porn addict, prayer healed me!”

Etienne gives his amazing testimony, healed from pornography addiction… through a prayer! I fell into the torments of pornography during adolescence. One day, rifling through my parents’ stuff, I found pornography and erotic magazines. These images had a weird effect on me: I was shocked by them but they excited my curiosity, they provided material


Ran Gavrieli: “Why I stopped watching porn”

Why I stopped watching porn… and how, in doing so, I stopped contributing to the ugly sex industry. Speech given at a TED event in Jaffa by Ran Gavrieli, a speaker specializing in “safe sex” topics. Viewed over 21 million times on Youtube! Beware, he does not go into detail and some of his words


Pornography and masturbation, are they sinful?

Pornography and masturbation, are they sinful? When someone asks whether something they’ve done is a sin or not, it means they’re already on a path, searching for truth. It’s even more important when the question concerns intimacy or our romantic choices. In life, it’s always important to ask questions and find answers to give sense