
“Hope in mercy helped me get out of my addiction”

The testimony of Pierre, former pornography addict “And us sinners, we put our hope in your inexhaustible mercy.” For me, this phrase illustrates the face of hope which is an attitude of trust in God, an attitude of trust in the mercy of God, a God who is love, tenderness and compassion. He didn’t come


Pornography and masturbation, are they sinful?

Pornography and masturbation, are they sinful? When someone asks whether something they’ve done is a sin or not, it means they’re already on a path, searching for truth. It’s even more important when the question concerns intimacy or our romantic choices. In life, it’s always important to ask questions and find answers to give sense


The pope invites you to be liberated from your addiction

In a video, the pope invites you to liberate yourself from addiction, and be helped, cared for and healed from the suffering linked to it. Video of Pope Francis, April 4th 2020 We pray that those suffering from addiction may be properly helped and accompanied. Here are his words: “The problem of what are called